What is this?

If you're like me, you end up in calls with your friends asking each other if they want to play X or Y game and end up playing nothing instead.

This is a simple game I made to MAKE you choose a game to play. It's a game about playing games!!

How do I play?

  1. Ask your friends if they can spare you 20 minutes. Everyone can spare 20 minutes for a friend right?
  2. Get everyone's Steam ID, you can use Steam ID Finder. The number you need is steamID64 (Dec)
  3. Enter player IDs into the app and click submit. It will choose a game a random that you all own.
  4. Click the steam store link to confirm how many players it supports. Click "No" to roll a new game (checking for number of players via steam API is unreliable and didn't want to miss any games).
  5. One a valid game is chosen click "Yes" to start the timer
  6. Everyone MUST play the game for the time limit at least. If everyone enjoys it, great you found a game. If not, then try again!